Take Action. Be Part of the Solution.

Man and woman looking at computer screen
Weight bias is a daily injustice — hurting kids, denying people fair healthcare and fueling discrimination everywhere. This stops when you step up. It’s time to turn outrage into action. Raise your voice, be part of the solution and help us erase weight bias for good.

Stop Weight-Based Bullying!

How Can You Help?
Children with obesity or excess weight are often bullied at school, with over 30% of girls and 24% of boys reporting daily teasing and rejection. Weight-based bullying can severely harm mental and physical health, leading to low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and other issues.

Every child deserves dignity and respect, but only three states — Main, New Hampshire and New York — offer protections against weight-based bullying. Expanding these protections can help ensure all students can focus on their education without fear or harassment.

Take Action Now!
Use our tool to urge your Governor and State School Officer to include weight-based bullying protections in school policies. We’ve provided a template that you can personalize with your story to make a greater impact.

Click here to Take Action

Urge the FDA to Ensure Medication Safety for People with Obesity

How Can You Help?
People with obesity often take medications for conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, but many haven’t been fully tested on this population. This can lead to medications being less — or more — effective, with harmful consequences.

The FDA has expanded clinical trial requirements before, including women and children. With 42% of U.S. adults having obesity and another 31% with pre-obesity, we must ensure medications are tested for this population’s safety and effectiveness.

Take Action Now!
Use OAC’s advocacy tool below to send a letter to the FDA urging them to ensure that medications are safe and effective for people with obesity. You’ll find an easy to use template letter to get you started, and we encourage you to personalize this letter before sending by including your story and thoughts before sending.

Click here to Take Action

Urge The Media To Use Appropriate Images And Language!

How Can You Help?
Media plays a major role in shaping how people view obesity and those who have it. Unfortunately, the portrayal of people with obesity is mostly negative, with the media being the number one source of weight bias. This leads to misinformation and stigma.

Take Action Now!
Use our tool to urge major media outlets to adopt people-first language and non-stigmatizing images when talking about obesity. Personalize your latter to share your perspective and make an even bigger impact.

Click here to Take Action

Urge Your State Decision Makers to #StopWeightBias and Prioritize Access to Obesity Care!

How Can You Help?
Contact your Governor, State Senator and House Representative today to help stop weight bias by expanding access to science-based obesity care and treatment. More than 130 million Americans are affected by obesity, yet it’s not treated like other diseases. We must push for legislation that stops weight-based discrimination and provides equal care for obesity as a chronic disease.

Take Action Now!
Use our message generator to get started. Add your personal story to help lawmakers understand the real impact of obesity on individuals and families.

Click here to Take Action