Take the Pledge!
Take the Pledge to Help Stop Weight Bias
I am joining the fight to stop weight bias and build a world where every person — no matter their weight or size — is treated with respect, dignity and fairness. No exceptions. I am taking a stand to end harmful stereotypes and discrimination, and to push for equality in all spaces.
I Pledge to:
- Speak Up: I will challenge weight bias wherever I see it — whether in the media, healthcare, workplaces, or in my own circles. I will not stay silent when someone is treated unfairly because of their weight or size.
- Learn and Educate: I will deepen my understanding of weight bias and how it impacts lives. I will share this knowledge with others and confront weight-based stereotypes wherever they show up.
- Show Compassion: I will treat all people — regardless of their size or shape — with kindness, empathy and respect. I will demand the same from others around me.
- Take Action: I will do more than just talk. I will support laws and rules that protect people from weight-based discrimination. I will work to change unfair practices in schools, workplaces, healthcare and other places where weight bias exists.
- Stand Firm: I won’t accept body-shaming or weight stigma in any form. I will fight for a society that values respect, well-being and diversity in every shape and size.
I’m not just hoping things will change — I’m helping to make that change happen, and I invite others to join me in standing up for equality and justice.
Take the Pledge. Take a Stand. Together, We Can #StopWeightBias.