

I have been weight biased my whole life. I was made fun of and picked on throughout my middle school and high school years. It continued through my adult life when I was a volunteer firefighter and an EMT. I was made fun of by a coworker’s name-calling because of my weight. I was also way biased by my old primary care doctor when I was seeking help about my weight. Her staff and she will leave voicemails saying, you’re fat, lose weight go to the gym. I was seeking help from my primary care doctor, and she did not know anything about people living with obesity. She would always call me lazy and fat when I would see her in her office. So many times that I would walk out of her office in tears. This is somebody that I was seeking help for, and she did not understand anything. It was so hurtful for her and her staff to name called me. All I wanted to do was crawl in my bed and cry.

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