Patricia D Pontius

Patricia D Pontius

I am from a family of 13 my parents could not afford to feed us all the time. So even as a young child, I was undernourished. We moved to a small town away from Detroit and the bullies decided since I was from Detroit I was a strong person so they started terrorizing me. Calling me nasty names making fun of me. I got are you a boy or a girl? My brother was very good-looking and fit in so I also got. How did such a cute boy get such an ugly sister. I went home and cried to myself all the time. I ran away from home many times and lived with 5 different families. When I turned 21 I met my ex who I thought was very nice and a way to get away from my mother. I had my daughter just before my 23 birthday and because I did not just snap back to a size 8. I was a fat pig and did not deserve his love anymore. I was told stacking wood was good for me and help me lose weight. I went back to work when my daughter was not even ten because I was told if I wanted any money I could get off my fat lazy ass and get a job and get the money myself. So I went back to work and started smoking so I would not eat anymore. I lived on coffee and cigarettes. It was not till I went to work in the nursing home. My teacher told us to sit down and write down everything we ate for two weeks. This was very easy for me as I lived on smokes and coffee. She took me aside and said if this is what you eat we need to have a talk. I did not want to tell anyone the bad things I was going through because I was ashamed. It was not till after 31 years of abuse I decided I was done. I moved out with a guy who was a complete stranger. He was the only one who offered to protect me and save me. I was so depressed I planned on ending my life three times. When I slowed down my body crashed. I have Hashimoto’s disease which is a syndrome and autoimmune disease. My body’s immune system crashed down boom. I went to my DR one day to talk to her about my test results and she did not look well. She looked sick her eyes were glazed over and even my boyfriend said you do not look well. Two days later I was deathly ill for three months. She had exposed me to Whooping Cough. I was on three different antibiotics and three different steroids. I was still sick and ready to throw in the towel but of course, my boyfriend was not going to have that. So he took me to the ER where a good DR gave me a shot in the butt and I finally got feeling better after almost 4 months now. Being so sick made my Asthma worse so if it is hot outside or strong smells make me very ill. Plus working in the nursing field and factories I destroyed my back. To try to lose weight I started running and hiking about 3 hours a day before I went to work. Hurting both my knees and made my back was worse but because my sisters and brothers thought that my ex was taking very good care of me but he was not. Then my eyes got worse and my right ear. Which makes me tip over all the time. My boyfriend keeps a close eye on me because he does not want me to fall and break myself. Plus I have food, contact, chemical, and seasonal allergies. So yes I am a walking talking disaster area. I have to be very careful who I allow around me especially now with this Covin-19 if I get it I will just die literally. I went to my back Dr. one day at the U of M to see if there could be a reason why I kept falling down on the ground four times in two years. All I got was you are fat fat fat and I bet if you got your mouth wired shut you would lose 40 lbs. Now what kind of a jerk would say that to a very ill person? I was so upset and depressed I wished now more than ever to die. Just let all my illnesses take me. Oh, I forgot one DR I went to almost killed off my liver with too many pills. I liked her so I took everything she gave me even though my boyfriend told me she had me on too many pills 8 or 9 different ones. I am sick and tired of people making fun of people I do not care what size you are or if you are skinny or overweight abuse is abuse. This can not go on any longer we need to put an end to stereotyping people.

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